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 NPC's to check Fame/Reputation

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Female Number of posts : 1097
Age : 44
Nation's Flag : NPC's to check Fame/Reputation 55814
Rank : 8
Race : Elvaan
Main Job : White Mage
Sub Job : Summoner
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ZM : 7 ~ The Chamber of Oracles
PM : 4-3 ~ The Secrets of Worship
AM : 23 ~ Social Graces
WotG : 4 ~ The Queen of the Dance
Registration date : 2007-08-22

NPC's to check Fame/Reputation Empty
PostSubject: NPC's to check Fame/Reputation   NPC's to check Fame/Reputation Icon_minitimeSun Sep 09, 2007 9:03 pm

NPC's to check Fame/Reputation

Windurst Windurst
NPC: Zabirego-Hajigo
Location: Windurst Waters (F-10)

What she says:
1. <Name>? Hmm... Sorry, but I never heard that name before.
2. <Name>? Hmm... Now, was that the name of the...? No, that was some other lady.
3. Oh, you're the <Name> that people are starting to talk about. I've heard pretty good things about you.
4. Why, if it isn't <Name>! I heard some guys talking about you over their dinners at the eatery last night. They had nothing but good things to say about you. Keep up the good work!
5. Hello there, <Name>! There aren't many Windurstians who don't know that name. We're all proud to have you on our side! Keep up the great work!
6. Mister <Name>! You'd have to be living in a hole somewhere not to have heard that name. All the bards in the land are singing songs of your outstanding deeds. Keep up the extraordinary work!
7. Miss <Name>! There isn't a soul in all of Windurst that has yet to hear the tales of your feats. Why, I remember when you were just a fledgling adventurer. It seems like just yesterday...
8. A day doesn't go by when I fail to hear a tale of your deeds. I am proud to be a citizen of the same great country as Lady/sir <Name>. Keep up the marvelous work!
9. Lady/Sir <Name>! I am honored to have the hero of Windurst in my presence. Every man and woman in the country knows by heart the tales of your courage. May the Goddess shine her light of grace upon you.

San d'Oria San d'Oria
NPC: Namonutice
Location: South San d'Oria (K-6)

What he says:
1. Hmm... <Name>, you say? No, never heard that name. Do not expect me to learn the name of every recruit! Do good for the kingdom and her people, and they shall come to know you. Once you have their trust, they will request your help more readily. Just keep your head down, and your day shall come.
2. <Name>...? Hmm... I might have heard that name before. Then again, maybe not. You are not famous yet. Keep your nose to the grindstone and work for the people. Soon, they will know you better!
3. Ah, <Name>. That is a name I often hear. People speak well of you! Your deeds for the kingdom have earned you much honor.
4. <Name>! You have become well known in these parts! I hear much of your accomplishments. Keep up the good work, and greatness lies in your future.
5. Ah, <Name>! You are famous in our kingdom! Of you no ill is spoke. Give to the kingdom and she will give to you, no?
6. <Name>! I would venture that much the kingdom has heard your name! And your reputation sparkles. Indeed I am proud of you. And to think I first knew you when you were a new recruit!
7. Hello, <Name>. Practically all of the kingdom has heard of you now. What's more, your reputation is stellar. I look forward to even greater things from you!
8. <Name>! People are talking about you! Every infant in his cradle knows your name! And they hold you in highest regard! I am so proud of you! May your kind deeds continue!
9. Sir <Name>! There isn't a soul in the kingdom that doesn't consider you a hero! As a representative of the people of San d'Oria, I humbly ask you to continue your efforts for the good of the country. May the light of the Goddess shine upon you!

Bastok Bastok
Fame NPC: Flaco
Location: Port Bastok (E-6)

What he says:
1. <Name>? What is that, some kind of snail? Oh, that's your name. You must be a rookie adventurer, right?
2. <Name>? Hmm...sounds familiar. Who was it again? Oh. Well uh...not many people know who you are, but if you work hard enough, word will get around about your good deeds.
3. Ah, <Name>, I've heard of you. Just keep up the hard work and more people will get to know you.
4. Oh, you're <Name>. Yeah, I've heard of you. You're not doing too bad for an adventurer. Keep working hard, and the people of Bastok will come to recognize your efforts.
5. Hello there, <Name>. Quite a few people are talking about the things you've done for Bastok. People are starting to talk about you. Keep on doing whatever you're doing!
6. Hello there <Name>. A lot of people know what you've done for Bastok. People are saying good things about you. Keep up the good work!
7. Most everyone in this country knows your name by now, <Name>! People are saying great things about you. You don't know how proud that makes me feel-Ive been following your progress ever since you came to bastok.
8. You must be <Name>. Don't look so surpised, as everyone knows your name and what you've done for Bastok. <Name>, we're very proud to have someone like you as a Bastoker.
9. Master <Name>! You are a hero to the people of Bastok! Everyone here knows your name and what you've done for us!You are the example every Bastoker should follow!

Jeuno Jueno
NPC: Mendi
Location: Lower Jeuno (H-8)

1. <Name>, eh? Hmm... That name is vaguely familiar... But I'm afraid few in this town have heard of you. Just keep working at it. You'll make a name for yourself eventually.
2. Oh, so you're <Name>...Yes, I heard some travelers in a tavern talk about you. It seems you've a fair reputation.
3. <Name>! You have become well known in these parts! I hear much of your accomplishments. Keep up the good work, and greatness lies in your future.
4. Hello, <Name>! I hear your name mentioned quite often these days. You've done well, my friend. Keep at it.
5. Hello, <Name>! A good deal of people here in Jeuno know about you! and they all say you're quite the do-gooder! Thank you for serving our fair city. Keep up the good work!
6. Why, it's <Name>! Your growing reputation precedes you. We hope your already substantial contributions to our humble city will continue to grow with time.
7. Why, hello, <Name>. I say, literally everyone in Jeuno knows your name. It is my pleasure to inform you how impressed we are with your service to Jeuno. We hope to see more of your commendable generosity in the future!
8. Lord <Name>! To all citizens here, your name is synonymous with courage and sacrifice. Not a day goes by without hearing of your saintlike service to Jeuno. I speak for all of Jeuno when I express my sincerest appreciation for your generosity. Indeed, bards shall sing of your virtues for ages to come!
9. You have emerged as a hero to the people of Jeuno. Just the sound of your name strikes courage into their hearts. As a representative of its citizens, I humbly ask you to continue your efforts for the good of the duchy.
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