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CE Videographer

Male Number of posts : 360
Age : 40
Nation's Flag : CE 639176
Rank : 3
Main Job : Beastmaster
Sub Job : White Mage
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Registration date : 2007-09-04

CE Empty
PostSubject: Re: CE   CE Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 6:19 am

I've noticed it also. But I am too guilty of not full time equipping my pearl anymore. After a friend of mine started his own shell and offered me a pearl I accepted and soon found there was other uk players there. Still I found myself alone in both shells at times too. I make it no secret I'm in another shell many CE members have shells for endgame stuff whereas I do not I took on another Ls to not be lonely and hopefully make friends and get more things done.
At the moment I'm moderating theblackdragonclan while the leader is absent in Teneriffe. But the times I've switched to CE it has been empty.

I know we dont have to fulfil an amount of playtime to the shell and things are never compulsary so normally it wouldnt bother me, But recently it's been eerily quiet. Also knowing my mt's are going unread is a concern lol.
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Inspirer of Madness
Inspirer of Madness

Male Number of posts : 1373
Age : 48
Nation's Flag : CE 55814
Rank : 10
Race : Hume
Main Job : Samurai
Sub Job : Warrior
Main Craft : Cooking
Main Craft Level : 65
ZM : 16 ~ The Celestial Nexus
PM : 8-3 ~ When Angels Fall
AM : 22 ~ Shield of Diplomacy
WotG : 15 ~ Crossroads of Time
Registration date : 2007-08-22

CE Empty
PostSubject: Re: CE   CE Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 1:28 pm

as you know, you are entirely welcome to create your own shell, but all i ask is that if you do, you in no way relate it to CosmicEnigma, in respect for the origins and creator of CE and it's members. THIS shell is cosmicenigma ...

and i think most of us know who your selection would be ...

this shell has seen ups and downs before but has always remained strong. people come and people go and still, many of the original members have stayed or come back. with more and more members involved in endgame, sometimes there's less time to spend in the social shell. you also need to take into consideration the seasons. it's summer time right now and many people are taking a break from the game to enjoy their real life with friends and family.

it kind of pains me that there is discussion right now about creating a new shell. you two are the only ones who have ever jumped so quickly to the decision of creating a new shell in all the years that CE has been around and it begs the question why? what will a new shell achieve that this one can't?
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CE Videographer

Male Number of posts : 360
Age : 40
Nation's Flag : CE 639176
Rank : 3
Main Job : Beastmaster
Sub Job : White Mage
Main Craft : None
Registration date : 2007-09-04

CE Empty
PostSubject: Re: CE   CE Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 2:26 pm

Oh dear, I'd totally not want another shell. It's hard keeping track of 2.
CE to many is like home within the game. just like in RL you move away or leave to do something but it's still home.

I do have a fierce loyalty to CE in 3 years I've never experienced somewhere so accepting. If it wasn't for CE I'd probably not be working now I'd probably still be depressed and on my meds.
It does have quiet spells take xmas for example. CE is far from dying and as much as I love our leader her lack of presence in the game doesnt directly affect the shell at all. Although I feel like an alcoholic drinking ros'e on my own now.

Also I helped theblackdragonclan form and starting a linkshell is by no means an easy task to undertake, Personally I'd advise against it. We dont lack on leadership in CE as we are trusted as individuals to act in the way we wish our Ls to be percieved.
I can only think of 1 instance of big drama ever in my 3 years here and I'd doubt you'd find that in any group of gamers.
Remember along with the creed we play with a mutual love and respect for our Shell. I find it kinda harsh saying to remake and who would lead. No offense but I find that insulting to Dio after the work he's put in to keep us together.

I do find it unsettling not having the leader as an active player, But our policy has always been Real life ----> FFXI. It's only fair it applies to the leader.

At the moment I'd say dont worry about it because while the weathers nice I'd prefer to be having a beer while looking at hot boys instead of playing a game too.

I do wish for compensation though 3 years and no 75's I blame CE because I enjoy talking too much.

Anyway sorry for the big block of txt it's not meant to look like a rant.
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Male Number of posts : 369
Age : 42
Nation's Flag : CE 214989
Rank : 7
Race : Hume
Main Job : Paladin
Sub Job : Warrior
Main Craft : None
ZM : 5 ~ Headstone Pilgrimage
PM : 2-2 ~ The Lost City
AM : 3 ~ President Salaheem
WotG : 3 ~ Cait Sith
Registration date : 2008-11-02

CE Empty
PostSubject: Re: CE   CE Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 3:34 pm

all i was trying to do was to come up with ways to get CE to grow, but i guess some ppl r happy with a "skeleton crew" to each there own, i just dont want to see the LS die, is that so hard to understand?... IT WAS ALL SUGGESTIONS... no one's trying to take anything over, or force decisions on anyone....

to stop all the CONTROVERSY AND DRAMA... i removed everything i've said on this topic.... forget i started this thing in the first place..... sorry for caring about CE

its understandable if ANYONE expects us to leave or take a break from CE.....just let me know..
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Inspirer of Madness
Inspirer of Madness

Male Number of posts : 1373
Age : 48
Nation's Flag : CE 55814
Rank : 10
Race : Hume
Main Job : Samurai
Sub Job : Warrior
Main Craft : Cooking
Main Craft Level : 65
ZM : 16 ~ The Celestial Nexus
PM : 8-3 ~ When Angels Fall
AM : 22 ~ Shield of Diplomacy
WotG : 15 ~ Crossroads of Time
Registration date : 2007-08-22

CE Empty
PostSubject: Re: CE   CE Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 3:55 pm

no one has asked you to leave the LS ... you're being a bit over dramatic, don't you think? i've deleted yours and naughty's posts about "post removed due to too much drama, blah blah blah," because if you were truly trying to avoid the drama, you wouldn't have posted those.

we were having a discussion and no one asked you to delete the post but by doing so, you make this whole discussion look silly.

the question of recreating the linkshell was not, as you stated, brought up previously by me. the conversation was regarding luna's absence and return and the question was posed to me "what if luna doesn't come back?" my response was, "if it comes to that, i'll start a new CE."

as far as i'm concerned, luna is still coming back and until i receive any sort of notification from her that she has left the game for good and will NOT be returning, i will continue to expect her return.

if you're going to try and call someone out, please try and get some facts straight first.

we've gone through these slumps before and we always come back from them. i'm not overly concerned and i don't think you should be either. if you feel like you have to leave the shell, that is entirely your own decision. no one is asking you too leave or, from what i can tell, wants you to, but it almost seems like you're trying to find a reason TO leave.

if you feel like posting a reply to this post, don't delete them because people have different views from you. your views are valid, as are mine, as are everyone elses and so what if we don't agree on some things, doesn't mean i don't want to read what you have to say. i was posting MY opinion also.
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Male Number of posts : 458
Age : 49
Nation's Flag : CE 214989
Rank : 10
Race : Tarutaru
Main Job : Red Mage
Sub Job : White Mage
Main Craft : Cooking
Main Craft Level : 34
ZM : 5 ~ Headstone Pilgrimage
PM : 1-3 ~ The Mothercrystals
AM : 13 ~ Lost Kingdom
WotG : 3 ~ Cait Sith
Registration date : 2007-12-14

CE Empty
PostSubject: Re: CE   CE Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 10:03 pm

OK, so I have to start out by saying that I don't entirely understand what happened here since some of the posts are missing, but from what I can gather I will put in my two cents. During the three years that I have been playing this game there have been ups and downs with CE. There have been times where you log in and there are pages of names and other times where you log in and are flying solo. But you always know that at some point there will be people that you have truly come to value as friends on to talk to. You might have to wait a day or two but eventually they do come back. As one of those people who has taken breaks (including right now, partially due to what's going on in my life and partially because my computer doesn't like to stay on for more than fewminutes at a time right now before going to a blue screen), it's something that I count on. When the urge hits me to play again, I know that CE will still be there and the people in the game that I care about the most will be too. So while I understand the frustration at not having a lot of members or participation at the present time, I also want to encourage people to remember that having a great conversation with one or two people can oftentimes be a hell of a lot more pleasing than having some jumbled talk with many. Love you guys and miss you, hope everyone is doing well.
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PostSubject: Re: CE   CE Icon_minitime

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